Gertie's Sponsor Pigs
For various reasons, usually medical and age related, it is decided that some piggies are just not suitable to be re-homed. Gertie's never turns a piggy away - so when a piggy is not able to be adopted we offer them a permanent place here with us.
These piggies normally have more demanding needs than our normal guests and their sponsors are a critical part of allowing us to offer them the on-going care they need.
Could you sponsor one of our piggies, please? This can either be in your own name or as a gift for someone else. Each sponsor receives a certificate and updates on how they are doing.
If you wish to sponsor a piggy, please email us at - all we ask is that you set up a standing order for a minimum of £5 a month, direct into our bank account (this can be stopped at any time).
Gertie's is always grateful for support for these piggies with additional needs.
Click on our Sponsor Pigs to read their story.