Adoption Policy
Cages must allow 140cm on one level as a minimum - however we recommend bigger if it is possible.
We recommend C&C enclosures.
Not all of our guinea pigs will be suitable for a 140 cage and we will advise where we think this is the case.
We will only re-home where the cage is kept inside a house all year.
No sawdust or wood shavings should be used within the cage.
Many far better alternatives are available.
Water, Hay & Food
Fresh water must be available at all times.
Good quality hay must be available for bedding, play and eating. We do not recommend hay racks. Foraging is natural behaviour for guinea pigs. Hay must be plentiful and given daily as it makes up 80% of their diet.
Pellet type feed must be available - not muesli types as they encourage selective feeding. Vegetables/salad items and occasional fruit should be fed twice daily - around a cup per day per pig.
Items in home
Hideys and/or tunnels must be available as guinea pigs need to have shelter to simulate their environment and allow natural behaviour.
We do not re-home guinea pigs to live alone and they must have the same species company. They must be protected from direct contact with other animals. We do not re-home to live with rabbits.
All signs of illness or injury must be referred to a qualified vet for treatment.
Our piggy's must not be used for breeding purposes.
We always home check prior to adoption
Adoption Fees
Single guinea pig (to live with another) £25
Neutered boar (to live with others) £35
Same sex pair £40
Mixed sex pairing £45